20 Stupidest Prostester Signs

The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects everyone’s freedom of speech and right to peaceably assemble.  However, the Constitution doesn’t have any intelligence requirements to exercise those rights….

20.  Juice is pretty harmless, if not healthy for you

20. Juice is pretty harmless, if not healthy for you

14.  Ummm....they did in 1936

19. Ummm....they did in 1936

13.  Too easy

18. Too easy



17. Nice

16.  How true

16. How true


15. Creative reference to awesome 80's show

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Teabagging townhalls: Whose nuts? Whose mouths?

Teabagging, as shown by this video, has the potential to ruin the lives of kid, and it also has the potential to ruin our chances of having an educated debate on health care.  The term “teabagging” is  slang for the act of a man (teabagg-er) placing his scrotum in the mouth or on, or around the face  of another person (teabagg-ee), often in a repeated in-and-out motion.  The practice resembles dipping a tea bag into a cup of tea.  By now you may be asking yourself what this weird sexual act has in common with health care.  The answer is everything.

The media has been struggling to characterize the teabagger movement.  Some media outlets are quick to call them all crazy (notably MSNBC), some try to keep an objective stance on them, while other outlets (notably FOX) are happy to promote them as innocent patriotic protesters. Read more of this post

Top 10 Health Care Myths

Mandatory Civil War reenactments?

Mandatory Civil War reenactments?

10.  Everyone will have to participate in Civil War reenactments at least once a month as part of the Civil War Reserve.

9.  Midgets/Dwarfs will be forced by the government to become the seeing eye-people for the blind. They will be on leashes or atop the shoulders of the blind.

8.  Government Health Care is really part of a secret plan for the very poor to become organ farms for the very rich and organless.

7.  Insurance coverage will be rationed depending on the results of an IQ test.  The lower the score, the less coverage you can expect. Sorry Nascar fans!!

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